Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine
Washington East Asian Medicine Association

The Washington East Asian Medicine Association (formerly WAOMA), first began as the Acupuncture Association of Washington (AAW) over 25 years ago. The organization has helped to provide a unified legislative voice for our profession.

Home of Traditional Chinese Medicine – A database of conditions commonly treated by acupuncture and more.

Institute of Traditional Medicine

A large database of articles on many aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine (disorders, herbs, acupuncture, history, theory, etc).

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: Intregrative medicine

Provides full-text, objective information on herbs, vitamins, and supplements, especially potential use in cancer care; includes clinical summary and details about constituents, adverse effects, interactions, and potential benefits or problems.

Qi Gong
Taoist Studies Institute

Workshops and ongoing classes for qi gong, tai ji chuan, ba gua, meditation and Taoist practices. The institute offers clear instruction for all levels of practices.

Movement & perception work

Workshops, classes and trainings to open awareness of the body, develop relational skill and unfold perception. Susan is a skillful teacher who brings over 35 years of experience to her innovative and nourishing approach to enhancing awareness.

The Center for Mind Body Awareness

The Center of Mindful Body Awareness offers educational trainings for practitioners and therapists to increase access to mindful body awareness strategies for self-care. MABT combines touch-based and mind-body approaches to teach body awareness and interoceptive self-care skills. MABT is designed to facilitate embodiment, to promote healthy behaviors and self-care, and to increase emotion regulation.

Marti Spiegelman; Shaman’s Light

A gifted healer and communicator, Marti’s workshops are life changing, innovative and relevant to today’s world.

Craniosacral Work

An osteopath by training, Hugh Milne has opened awareness and touched the lives of hundreds with his trainings in craniosacral work.

Website Design
Julie Nathon


Julie brings great technical skill, a versatile approach and creative expression to her projects. She was able to take in many divergent details and reconfigure them into a coherent, beautiful and easy to navigate form. Furthermore, she is a delight to work with.


Bonnie is a gifted artist who brings beauty and new expression to images of nature and healing. Her website will reveal the breadth of work and depth of inquiry. I am very thankful to both know her and be a part of her artistic world.


Able to listen deeply in all directions, Kaoru’s photography brings forth both subtlety and clear form. Imaginative and thoughtful, her work opened the theme of this website in new and beautiful ways.